
Spread a Little Christmas Cheer

As I've said before on this topic, regardless of your stance on our Country's military operations, I believe everyone should support our troops that put their lives in danger to protect our freedom.

Jess, manager of Team East Coast Love, introduced me to Baking Gals this past summer and I have been sending a box (or two) of love to overseas troops since August. Every month, teams are formed that sponsor a specific soldier. Members join a team, or multiple teams, and send a box of love and support to that specific soldier. Each soldier is then hopefully bombarded with multiple boxes that they can share with their fellow soldiers.

With the holidays just a few short weeks away, are you willing to spare a few hours to bake a few cookies and mail them to a very deserving soldier? I can see this being a great family tradition, get the kids into the kitchen, spend some quality time together, and spread a little Christmas cheer overseas!


To join Baking Gals, go to their website: http://www.bakinggals.com/ and create a new account. It may take a few days for the administrator to authorize your account, but once she does you'll be able to join a team for that month's round.   This month's round is currently open. Shipping starts on December 1st and ends December 21st.

Let's show them how much we love and support them this holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy :) Thanks for continuing to support these awesome men and women!


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