
Feb 26, 2011

It was a very productive day.

Seeds are planted for the garden 

Cupcakes are baked to celebrate Andrew's birthday

Bagels are ready to bake tomorrow morning

And Mike and I played with liquor, fire and strawberries (to go on top of the chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes :)

What a great way to spend a Saturday!


  1. Can you send me your bagel recipe? I think we talked about that, but I couldn't remember! Did you try to put anything in/on them like we talked about, or just go with plain?

  2. I posted the recipe here. http://pinkpoppycreations.blogspot.com/2011/02/recipes.html?m=1

    I put minced onions, poppy seeds, and seseme seeds on top. They tasted great. When I made another batch this weekend I actually put all of the seeds in the dough. I think we prefer that more.


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